Janelle LeBlanc LMSW

“Alone is the last place you will ever be.” Andrea Gibson Welcome. Sometimes we just need someone to be in our corner and remind us that we are not alone. Life can be really hard to navigate and even harder when we experience any level of grief, harm, mental illness or trauma. My goal is to be present with you, just as you are with no expectation to be anything other than yourself. I provide a non-judgmental space where all parts of you are honored and can be expressed. I am here to be on your team as you navigate through the healing process. I believe in the power of storytelling, and I am here to listen to your story. You are the expert on your life, and I believe that the therapeutic process should be driven by your goals and desires. My goal is to collaborate with you to identify your own next steps and any desired change. I want to help you find workable solutions and helpful strategies for addressing your challenges. My approach is person-centered, intersectional, and compassion-focused. I also include elements of evidence based practices like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EFT (Emotionally-Focused Therapy), Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing & Empowerment Theory. I specialize in working with those that experience anxiety, depression, grief, and complex trauma. I am also a part of the queer community and have had a focus on working with LGBTQIA2S+ clients for several years. I feel endlessly fortunate to be able to walkside others as they find their own power and embrace their most authentic self. I look forward to supporting you as you explore, express, and identify your own path. Therapy can be hard work and even looking for a therapist can be a huge step. You should be proud of yourself already and if you think we could be a good fit, I look forward to getting to know more about you and your story.